BigSurv18 program

Wednesday 24th October Thursday 25th October Friday 26th October Saturday 27th October

Saturday 27th October

08:00 - 18:00

Room: 30.SV01 HALL

Registration and Information Desk
(Registration closes at 12:00)

08:30 - 17:30

Room: 30.S02 S. Expo

Posters 2 (actively presented from 10.30 to 11.00 and 15.30 to 16.00)

These posters are the result of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Data Challenge organized by the city of Barcelona. For more information on the institutions and the data challenge please see:
Poster Title High School
Investigating Complaints in GraciaInstitut Vila de Gràcia
Social Cohesion and Type of NeighborhoodInstitut Ferran Tallada
Free WI-FI Points in BarcelonaInstitut Juan Manuel Zafra
Access to Housing in BarcelonaInstitut Joan Brossa
A Study of Traffic Accidents in BarcelonaInstitut J. Serrat i Bonastre
WI-FI PointsInstitut Josep Comas i Solà

Chair: Antje Kirchner (RTI)

Indirect Sampling Applied to Dual Frames
Manuela Maia (Católica Porto Business School) - Presenting Author

Estimation of Selection Error and Bias in Internet Data Sources by Linking With Register Data
Maciej Beręsewicz (Poznań University of Economics and Business / Statistical Office in Poznań) - Presenting Author

Old Problems, New Approaches: The Appearance of Suicide and Depression in the Online Social Media - A Study of Instagram
Júlia Koltai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Zoltán Kmetty (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) - Presenting Author
Károly Bozsonyi (Károli Gáspár University, Budapest)

Merits and Limits of Measuring the Total Acceleration of Smartphones in Mobile Web Surveys Using SurveyMotion
Stephan Schlosser (University of Göttingen) - Presenting Author
Jan Karem Höhne (University of Göttingen)

Supplementing Probability-Based Surveys With Nonprobability Surveys to Reduce Survey Errors and Survey Costs
Joseph Sakshaug (German Institute for Employment Research) - Presenting Author
Arkadiusz Wisniowski (University of Manchester)
Diego Perez-Ruiz (University of Manchester)
Annelies Blom (University of Mannheim)

Exploring Random Respondent Matching With Simulated Multi-Wave Survey Data
Angela Ulrich (D3 Systems) - Presenting Author
David Peng (D3 Systems)
Ethan Beaman (D3 Systems)

Reimagining Survey Research: Transforming a Traditional Survey Program Through Advanced Analytics
Ryan Cristal (Peace Corps) - Presenting Author

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Calibrating Key Performance Indicators for an Eye Tracking Attention Panel
Emelie Löfdahl (Tobii Pro)
Karin Nelsson (Inizio) - Presenting Author

The Classification of Comments About Mobile Phones in the Online Shops
Natalia Kharchenko (Kiev International Institute of Sociology) - Presenting Author
Maryna Shpiker (National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”)
Oleksandr Pereverziev (National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy")

The Generations & Gender Survey: The Future of a Cross-National Survey Online
Thomas Emery (NIDI) - Presenting Author

Predicting Political Behavior and Attitudes Using Digital Trace Data
Ruben Bach (University of Mannheim) - Presenting Author
Christoph Kern (University of Mannheim)
Ashley Amaya (RTI International)
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)
Frauke Kreuter (University of Mannheim)
Jan Hecht (SINUS Institut)
Jonathan Heinemann (respondi AG)

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08:00 - 20:30

Room: 40.033

Nursing Room available

09:00 - 10:30

Room: 40.004

Combining General Population Surveys With Big Data From Activity Trackers or Smartphone Apps

The goal of this session is to showcase 5 papers that have each tried to use smartphones or activity trackers to enrich large-scale general-population surveys with Big Data. Many of the current examples in the literature have used small samples of volunteers (e.g. students) to test the potential of trackers and smartphones. There are unique challenges to scaling up to general population surveys. The session centers around the following topics:
- Implementation issues: nonresponse, loss in field, technical problems, use of devices

- Issues in collecting, accessing and storing the data for large samples, across the general population.

- Additional value of Big dData in combination with survey data. How do combined data show a better picture of core variables of interest?

Chair: Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University)

Measuring Young People's Physical Activity Using Accelerometers in the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Lisa Calderwood (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL) - Presenting Author
Emily Gilbert (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL)

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Testing the Logistics of the Accelerometer Project in SHARE
Luzia Weiss (Max Planck Institute of Social Law and Social Policy) - Presenting Author
Annette Scherpenzeel (Max Planck Institute of Social Law and Social Policy; TUM Munich)
Nora Angleys (Max Planck Institute of Social Law and Social Policy)

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Using GPS Data as Auxiliary Data to Review the Data Quality of a Time Use Survey
In review process for the special issue
Anne Elevelt (Utrecht University) - Presenting Author
Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University)
Vera Toepoel (Utrecht University)
Stijn Ruiter (Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement)
Wim Bernasco (Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement)

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Quality of Spending Data Collected With a Receipt Scanning App in a Probability Household Panel
Alex Wenz (ISER, University of Essex) - Presenting Author
Annette Jackle (ISER, University of Essex)

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WHO IS WHO. An Algorithm to Attribute the Device's Navigation to Users Sharing the Same Device
Carlos Ochoa (Netquest) - Presenting Author
Carlos Bort (Netquest)
Miquel Porcar (Netquest)

09:00 - 10:30

Room: 40.006

Socializing with Surveys: Combining Big Data and Survey Data to Measure Public Opinion

Chair: Pascal Siegers (GESIS)

Social Media as an Alternative to Surveys of Opinions About the Economy
In review process for the special issue
Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author
Johann Gagnon-Barsch (University of Michigan)
Robyn Ferg (University of Michigan)
Elizabeth Hou (University of Michigan)
Josh Pasek (University of Michigan)
Michael Schober (The New School)

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Measuring the Strength of Attitudes in Social Media Data
Final candidate for the monograph
Ashley Amaya (RTI International) - Presenting Author
Ruben Bach (University of Mannheim)
Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland; University of Mannheim)
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)

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Protest Within an Authoritarian Context: Perception of Opportunities and Support for Protest Among Citizens in the Arab World
Mohamed Elsayed Yousef (Universitat de Barcelona) - Presenting Author
Camilo Cristancho (Universitat de Barcelona)

09:00 - 10:30

Room: 40.010

Translations Across Nations: Exploring Natural Language Processing in Multicultural Applications

Chair: Diana Zavala-Rojas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Creating Synergies Between Survey Research and Machine Learning: A Road Map for Applying Tools From Computational Linguistics in the Translation of Survey Questionnaires
Diana Zavala-Rojas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Presenting Author

Country Comparative Surveys Using Word Embeddings
Magnus Sahlgren (RISE SICS) - Presenting Author
Stefan Dahlberg (University of Gothenburg)

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The Meaning of Democracy: Using a Distributional Semantic Lexicon to Collect Co-Occurrence Information From Online Data Across Languages
Sofia Axelsson (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg) - Presenting Author
Stefan Dahlberg (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)

Lost in Translation - How Differences in Word Intensity Affect Citizens' Satisfaction With the Working of Democracy
Stefan Dahlberg (Department of Political Science. University of Bergen) - Presenting Author
Magnus Sahlgren (RISE SICS)
Jönas Linde (Department of Political Science. University of Bergen)

09:00 - 10:30

Room: 40.012

The Bigger the Better? Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Using Big Data for Rapid Ethnography

Chair: Frances Barlas (GfK Custom Research)

A Sample Survey on the Current Level of Awareness Regarding Big Data Among Academics and Practitioners of Statistics in Pakistan
Saleha Naghmi Habibullah (Kinnaird College For Women, Lahore, Pakistan) - Presenting Author

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Run Silent, Run Deep: Passive Online Monitoring and Survey Data Fusion
Frances Barlas (GfK Custom Research) - Presenting Author
Mansour Fahimi (GfK Custom Research)
Randall Thomas (GfK Custom Research)

Marketing Research in the Digital Era: A Comparison Between Adaptive Conjoint Analysis Methods
Catarina Reis da Fonseca (University of Porto - Faculty of Economics)
Manuela Maia (Católica Porto Business School) - Presenting Author
Pedro Campos (University of Porto - Faculty of Economics)

09:00 - 10:30

Room: 40.063

Crowdsourcing, Causality, and the Issue of Social Trust

Chair: Rene Bekkers (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

The Gift of Trust
Rene Bekkers (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Presenting Author

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Problems in Identifying Causality in Observational Data
Ray Poynter (The Future Place and Nottingham Trent University) - Presenting Author

Crowdsourced Small Area Estimation. Crowdsourcing and Estimating Safety Perceptions at Neighbourhood Level in London
Final candidate for the monograph
David Buil-Gil (Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Manchester) - Presenting Author
Reka Solymosi (Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Manchester)
Angelo Moretti (Geography Department, University of Sheffield)

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10:30 - 11:00

Room: 30.S02 S. Expo

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.002

Smartphone Sensor Measurement and Other Tasks in Mobile Web Surveys I

Smartphones allow researchers to collect data through sensors such as GPS and accelerometers to study movement, and passively collect data such as browsing history and smartphone and app usage in addition to self-reports. Passive mobile data collection potentially decreases measurement errors and reduces respondent burden. However, respondents have to be willing to provide access to sensor data or perform additional tasks (e.g., download apps, take pictures). If willing respondents differ from nonwilling respondents, results might be biased. This session brings together empirical evidence on the state-of-the-art use of sensor measurement and other additional tasks on smartphones. It combines presentations of results from (large-scale) studies with diverse sensors and tasks from multiple countries and research settings. Presentations discuss current practice in collecting these new types of data focusing on the willingness to allow sensor measurement and perform additional tasks and its implications for nonparticipation bias.

Chair: Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University)

Emergent Issues in the Combined Collection of Self-Reports and Passive Data Using Smartphones
Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)

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Combining Active and Passive Mobile Data Collection: A Survey of Concerns
Final candidate for the monograph
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim) - Presenting Author
Frauke Kreuter (University of Mannheim, University of Maryland, Institute for Employment Research)
Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University)
Martin Weichbold (University of Salzburg)

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Collecting Smartphone Sensor Measurements in the General Population: Willingness and Nonparticipation Bias
Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University) - Presenting Author
Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University)
Barry Schouten (Statistics Netherlands, Utrecht University)
Vera Toepoel (Utrecht University)
Marieke Haan (University of Groningen)
Ralph Dolmans (Statistics Netherlands)
Vivian Meertens (Statistics Netherlands)
Deirdre Giesen (Statistics Netherlands)
Annemieke Luiten (Statistics Netherlands)

Data Collection Using Mobile Technologies: Changes Over Time in the Barriers to Participation
Annette Jäckle (University of Essex) - Presenting Author
Alexander Wenz (University of Essex)
Mick Couper (University of Michigan)

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11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.004

Big Data Enhancements to Surveys: Social Issues

Chair: Nicholas Biddle (Australian National University)

How Does Research Productivity Relate to Gender? Analyzing Gender Differences for Multiple Publication Dimensions
Sabrina J Mayer (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Justus M K Rathmann (University of Zurich) - Presenting Author

Social Diffusion of Xenophobic Attacks in Germany - An Application of Web Crawling
Thomas Hinz (University of Konstanz) - Presenting Author
Johannes Laufer (University of Konstanz)
Sandra Walzenbach (LMU Munich)
Franziska Weeber (University of Konstanz)

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Potentials of Linking Administrative Data and Survey Data for Inequality Research
Rudolf Farys (University of Bern)
Oliver Hümbelin (Bern University of Applied Sciences)
Ben Jann (University of Bern) - Presenting Author

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The Four Faces of Political Participation in Comparative Perspective
R. Michael Alvarez (California Institute of Technology)
Gabriel Katz (University of Exeter) - Presenting Author
Ines Levin (University of California, Irvine)
Lucas Nuñez (California Institute of Technology)

11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.006

Fake News! Information Exposure in Complex Online Environments

Chair: Colleen McClain (University of Michigan)

When Does the Campaign Matter? Attention to Campaign Events in News, Twitter, and Public Opinion
Final candidate for the monograph
Josh Pasek (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author
Lisa Singh (Georgetown University)
Stuart Soroka (University of Michigan)
Jonathan Ladd (Georgetown University)
Michael Traugott (University of Michigan)
Ceren Budak (University of Michigan)
Leticia Bode (Georgetown University)
Frank Newport (Gallup)

Is Informal Flagging for Propaganda in User Comments Helpful to Identify Anti-Western Narratives? The Benefits and Risks of Relying on User-Based Labeling
Vlad Achimescu (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Dan Sultanescu (CPD SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania) - Presenting Author
Dana Sultanescu (CPD SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania)

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Echo Chambers: Twitter Versus Online News Exposure
Susan Banducci (University of Exeter) - Presenting Author
Iulia Cioroianu (University of Exeter)
Lorien Jasny (University of Exeter)
Travis Coan (University of Exeter)
Hywel Williams (University of Exeter)
Iain Weaver (University of Exeter)

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Boys on the Tweet Bus: Identifying Information Flows Between Political Journalists During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign
Jonathan Ladd (Georgetown University) - Presenting Author

11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.008

Refining Big Data Methods Using Survey Data

Chair: Georgiy Bobashev (RTI International)

The Effect of Survey Measurement Error on Clustering Algorithms
Paulina Pankowska (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Presenting Author
Daniel Oberski (Utrecht University)
Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

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Efficiency of Classification Algorithms as an Alternative to Logistic Regression in Propensity Score Adjustment for Survey Weighting
Ramón Ferri-García (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Granada) - Presenting Author
María del Mar Rueda (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Granada)

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Accessing the Opinions of a Billion People: Mobile Surveys in the Age of Big Data
Duncan Stannett (Qriously Ltd.) - Presenting Author

How YouTube Uses Survey Data to Improve Video Recommendations
YouTube Recommendations Team Berg, Haulk, Marriott, McFadden (YouTube / Google) - Presenting Author

11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.010

Enhancing Survey Quality With Big Data

Chair: Daniel Oberski (Utrecht University)

Applying the Multi-Level/Multi-Source (MLMS) Approach to the 2016 General Social Survey
Tom W. Smith (NORC) - Presenting Author
Jaesok Son (NORC)
Benjamin Schapiro (NORC)

Using Multiple Imputation of Latent Classes (MILC) to Construct Consistent Population Census Tables Using Data From Multiple Sources
Laura Boeschoten (Tilburg University) - Presenting Author
Jacco Daalmans (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek)
Ton De Waal (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek)
Jeroen Vermunt (Tilburg University)

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Using Machine Learning Models to Predict Follow-Up Survey Participation in a Panel Study
Final candidate for the monograph
Mingnan Liu (Facebook) - Presenting Author
Yichen Wang (Uber)

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Designing Surveys to Account for Endogenous Nonresponse
Michael Bailey (Georgetown University) - Presenting Author

Sunday Assemblies: From "Believing Without Belonging" to "Belonging Without Believing"? When Survey and Big Data Combine to Study an Under-Theorized Phenomenon
Francesco Molteni (Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche) - Presenting Author
Massimo Airoldi (Lifestyle Research Center, Emlyon Business School)

11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.012

Leveraging Big Data for Improving Health Research… the Follow-up Visit

Chair: Naja Rod (Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen)

Smartphone Interactions and Mental Well-Being in Young Adults - A Longitudinal Study Based on High-Resolution Smartphone Data
Agnete Skovlund Dissing (Copenhagen University) - Presenting Author
Naja Hulvej Rod (Copenhagen University)
Thomas Alexander Gertds (Copenhagen University)
Rikke Lund (Copenhagen University)

How to Operationalize Adaptive Sampling Along With Various Big Data Phenotypic-Neurologic-Ecological-Genotypic Elements Across a Multi-Site Trauma-Based Prospective Data Collection, the AURORA Cooperative Agreement
Charlie Knott (RTI International) - Presenting Author
Steve Gomori (RTI International)
Mai Nguyen (RTI International)
Sue Pedrazzani (RTI International)
Sridevi Sattaluri (RTI International)
Thomas Walker (RTI International)

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Applying a Geospatial Big Data Approach to Survey Data: The Next Stage in Population Health Studies
In review process for the special issue
Eileen Avery (Department of Sociology, University of Missouri ) - Presenting Author
Timothy Haithcoat (University of Missouri Informatics Institute)
Richard Hammer (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Missouri)
Chi-Ren Shyu (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Missouri)

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Classifying Health Insurance Type From Survey Responses Using Enrollment Data
Joanne Pascale (US Census Bureau) - Presenting Author
Kathleen Call (SHADAC)
Angela Fertig (University of Minnesota)
Don Oellerich (US Department of Health and Human Services)

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11:00 - 12:30

Room: 40.063

Big Data Applications to Enterprise Statistics: Businesses, Employers, and Consumers

Chair: Mark Trappmann (IAB, University of Bamberg)

Synthesising Big Data and Business Survey Data
Final candidate for the monograph
Matthew Greenaway (Office for National Statistics (U.K.)) - Presenting Author

Consumer Expenditure Statistics From Retail Transaction Data
Sverre Amdam (Statistics Norway) - Presenting Author
Henning Holgersen (Statistics Norway)
Bart Buelens (Statistics Netherlands)

Fuzzy Identification, from Raw Survey Data to a Structured Register: An Example from Official Statistics Finding the Employer Declared During the Census in the Companies Register
Benjamin Sakarovitch (INSEE) - Presenting Author
Julie Djiriguian (INSEE)

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Identifying Innovative Companies From Their Website
Suzanne van der Doef (Statistics Netherlands)
Piet Daas (Statistics Netherlands) - Presenting Author
Dick Windmeijer (Statistics Netherlands)

Requirements in Job Advertisements: Automated Detection and Classification Into a Hierarchical Taxonomy of Work Equipment (Tools)
Manuel Schandock (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)) - Presenting Author

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12:30 - 14:00

Room: 30.S02 S. Expo


14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.002

Smartphone Sensor Measurement and Other Tasks in Mobile Web Surveys II

Smartphones allow researchers to collect data through sensors such as GPS and accelerometers to study movement, and passively collect data such as browsing history and smartphone and app usage in addition to self-reports. Passive mobile data collection potentially decreases measurement errors and reduces respondent burden. However, respondents have to be willing to provide access to sensor data or perform additional tasks (e.g., download apps, take pictures). If willing respondents differ from nonwilling respondents, results might be biased. This session brings together empirical evidence on the state-of-the-art use of sensor measurement and other additional tasks on smartphones. It combines presentations of results from (large-scale) studies with diverse sensors and tasks from multiple countries and research settings. Presentations discuss current practice in collecting these new types of data focusing on the willingness to allow sensor measurement and perform additional tasks and its implications for nonparticipation bias.

Chair: Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)

Framing Consent Questions in Mobile Surveys: Experiments on Question Wording
Henning Silber (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) - Presenting Author
Bernd Weiss (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)
Christoph Beuthner (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
Jette Schroeder (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

What Do Researchers Have to Invest to Collect Smartphone Data?
Final candidate for the monograph
Georg-Christoph Haas (University of Mannheim, Institute for Employment Research) - Presenting Author
Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)
Frauke Kreuter (University of Mannheim, Institute for Employment Research, University of Maryland)
Mark Trappmann (Institute for Employment Research, University of Bamberg)
Sebastian Bähr (Institute for Employment Research)

Willingness to Participate in a Metered Online Panel
Melanie Revilla (RECSM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) - Presenting Author
Mick P. Couper (University of Michigan)
Ezequiel Paura (Netquest)
Carlos Ochoa (Netquest)

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The Impact of Motion Instructions on the Acceleration of Smartphones and Completion Times in Web Surveys
Jan Karem Höhne (University of Göttingen) - Presenting Author
Melanie Revilla (RECSM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Stephan Schlosser (University of Göttingen)

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14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.004

Leveraging Big and Nontraditional Datasets to Reduce Burden, Increase Response, and Assess Survey Quality

This session highlights research findings from a broad spectrum of Big Data applications across both household and establishment surveys. Within the context of establishment surveys, the presenters will share results from tests designed to reduce respondent burden and improve point estimates and geographic granularity when substituting survey reports with directly extracted data and point-of-sale transactions. Additionally, the use of machine learning to reduce burden for complicated classification systems reporting will be discussed. Within the context of household surveys, the presenters will share success stories of blending marketing data with more traditional variables to improve response propensity models for the purposes of adaptive survey designs and tailored and targeted nonresponse interventions. Finally, a two-way assessment of Big Data and survey data quality will be reported between data linked to household survey data to better understand the quality of each.

Chair: Nancy Bates (US Census Bureau)

Alternative Approaches for Measuring the Movement of Goods in the United States
Julie Parker (U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics) - Presenting Author
Joy Sharp (U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics)

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Using Alternative Data Sources to Reduce Respondent Burden in United States Census Bureau Economic Data Products
Final candidate for the monograph
Rebecca Hutchinson (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Assess the Quality of Each Contributing Data Source
Final candidate for the monograph
Rupa Datta (NORC at University of Chicago) - Presenting Author
Gabriel Ugarte (NORC at University of Chicago)
Dean Resnick (NORC at University of Chicago)

Leveraging Nontraditional Data to Improve Response Propensity Models and Design Tailored and Targeted Geographical Nonresponse Interventions
Mary Mulry (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author
Nancy Bates (U.S. Census Bureau)
Matthew Virgile (U.S. Census Bureau )

Discussant for Organized Session Titled: Leveraging Big and Nontraditional Datasets to Reduce Burden, Increase Response, and Assess Survey Quality
Nancy Bates (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.006

How Do You Like Those Likes? Exploring the Validity of Measures Derived from Social Media Data

Chair: Lars Lyberg (Inizio)

Can Facebook "Likes" Measure Human Values?
In review process for the special issue
Daniel Oberski (Utrecht University) - Presenting Author

On the Validity of Statistical Inference Using Social Media Data: Two Interpretations of an Existing Study
Martina Patone (University of Southampton) - Presenting Author

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Improving the Measurement of Political Behavior by Integrating Survey Data and Digital Trace Data
Sebastian Stier (GESIS)
Johannes Breuer (GESIS)
Pascal Siegers (GESIS) - Presenting Author
Arnim Bleier (GESIS)
Tobias Gummer (GESIS)

External and Internal Quality of Big Data
Beat Hulliger (FHNW School of Business) - Presenting Author

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14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.008

New Approaches to Augment Sampling Frames I: Does Bigger Data mean Better Sampling Frames?

Chair: Trent Buskirk (Center for Survey Research, UMass Boston)

Investigating the Value of Appending New Types of Big Data to Address-Based Survey Frames and Samples
Paul Lavrakas (Independent Consultant) - Presenting Author
Ashley Hyon (Marketing Systems Group)
David Malarek (Marketing Systems Group)

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Is More Data Better Data? Assessing the Quality of Commercial Data Appended to an Address-Based Sampling Survey Frame
Rebecca Medway (American Institutes for Research) - Presenting Author
Nicole Guarino (American Institutes for Research)
Carol Wan (American Institutes for Research)
Danielle Battle (American Institutes for Research)

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Feedback Loop: Using Surveys to Build and Assess RBS Religious Flags
Final candidate for the monograph
David Dutwin (SSRS) - Presenting Author

Research on Combination of Probability and Nonprobability Samples
Nadarajasundaram Ganesh (NORC at the University of Chicago) - Presenting Author
Edward Mulrow (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Michael Yang (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Vicki Pineau (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Adrijo Chakraborty (NORC at the University of Chicago)

14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.010

Applying Machine Learning and Automation to Improve Imputation - Replicate I

Chair: Steven Cohen (RTI International)

The Enigma of Survey Research in the Digital Age - A Paradigm
Mansour Fahimi (GfK) - Presenting Author

Mass Imputation Combining Information From Big Data
Shu Yang (North Carolina State University)
Jae Kwang Kim (Iowa State University) - Presenting Author

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An Imputation Solution for Differentiating Between Unreported Attitudes and Genuine Nonattitudes in Survey Data
Natalie Jackson (JUST Capital) - Presenting Author
Jeff Gill (American University)

Can Missing Patterns in Covariates Improve Imputation for Missing Data?
Micha Fischer (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author
Felicitas Mittereder (University of Michigan)

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14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.012

Using Big Data for Electoral Research I: What's the Sentiment for Using Sentiment in Electoral Research?

Chair: Susan Banducci (University of Exeter)

Political Sentiment and Election Forecasting
Niklas M. Loynes (University of Manchester / NYU) - Presenting Author
Mark Elliot (University of Manchester)

A Full Spectrum Approach to Election Polling and Forecasting
Chris Jackson (Ipsos) - Presenting Author
Mark Polyak (Ipsos)
Clifford Young (Ipsos)
Mallory Newall (Ipsos)

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I Get It! Using Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Investigate Comprehension Difficulties in Political Attitude Questions
Naomi Kamoen (Tilburg University) - Presenting Author
Bregje Holleman (Utrecht University)

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Voter Information and Learning in the U.S. 2016 Presidential Election: Evidence From a Panel Survey Combined With Direct Observation of Social Media Activity
Jonathan Nagler (NYU, Social Media and Political Participation Lab) - Presenting Author
Gregory Eady (NYU, Social Media and Political Participation Lab)
Patrick Egan (NYU, Dept of Politics)
Josh Tucker (NYU, Social Media and Political Participation Lab)

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14:00 - 15:30

Room: 40.063

New Digital Data Sources and Official Statistics

New digital data sources and, in particular, the combination with survey and administrative data is becoming more and more an important Official Statistics production. However, still many challenges have to be solved including data privacy, sample selection, and integration into the statistical production process. The present session will provide four different approaches of using new digital data sources in combination with traditional data showing challenges and opportunities of its use. The data sources cover satellite data, mobile data, as well as twitter and related data.

Chair: Ralf Münnich (Trier University)

The Use of Big Data to Improve Small Area Estimates of Multidimensional Poverty Indicators
Monica Pratesi (University of Pisa) - Presenting Author
Stefano Marchetti (University of Pisa)
Caterina Giusti (University of Pisa)
Vincenzo Mauro (University of Pisa)

City Data From LFS and Big Data
Sandra Hadam (Statistisches Bundesamt) - Presenting Author
Timo Schmid (Freie Universität Berlin)

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From Experimental to Official Statistics: The Case of Solar Energy
Bart Buelens (Statistics Netherlands)
Sofie De Broe (Statistics Netherlands)
Ralph Meijers (Statistics Netherlands) - Presenting Author
Olav ten Bosch (Statistics Netherlands)
Marco Puts (Statistics Netherlands)

Satellite Data for Developing Social and Economic Indicators
Ralf Münnich (Trier University)
Markus Zwick (Statistisches Bundesamt) - Presenting Author

15:30 - 16:00

Room: 30.S02 S. Expo

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.002

Social Science Infrastructure for Big Data

Survey research enjoys support from various infrastructures in the social sciences. These organizations carry out surveys (e.g. ESS or SHARE), they offer services for sampling, pretesting, data management and data archiving (e.g. CESSDA and its members) and they offer a plethora of training programs (e.g. Summer Schools from Essex, GESIS or ICPSR). With the spread of “Big Data”, e.g. data originating from digitization of everyday life (digital data from mobile devices, from online searches, from the Internet of things, from registers) social science infrastructures face new challenges. What kind of support should they provide for "Big Data"? What do their clients/users expect from them?
In this session we discuss with representatives from social science infrastructures and their users future needs relating to these new data types.
We also welcome presentations from users doing research with "Big Data" and discussing their needs for services.

Chair: Christof Wolf (GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)

Big Data at FORS
Brian Kleiner (FORS)
Alexandra Stam (FORS)
Nicolas Pekari (FORS)
Boris Wernli (FORS) - Presenting Author
Georg Lutz (FORS)

Linking Social Survey and Twitter Data - Consent, Operationalisation, Archiving, and Sharing
Luke Sloan (Cardiff University) - Presenting Author
Tarek Al Baghal (ISER)
Curtis Jessop (NatCen Social Research)

SOMAR: ICPSR's New Social Media Archive
Margaret C. Levenstein (ICPSR) - Presenting Author

Infrastructure for Digital Behavioral Data in the Social Sciences: The GESIS Perspective
Julian Kohne (GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences)
Christof Wolf (GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences) - Presenting Author

16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.006

Using Big Data for Electoral Research II: Likes, Tweets, and Votes?

Chair: Josh Pasek (University of Michigan)

Gauging the Horserace Buzz: How the Public Engages With Election Polls on Twitter
Colleen McClain (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author
Ozan Kuru (University of Michigan)
Josh Pasek (University of Michigan)

Social Media and Political Participation
Sascha Göbel (University of Konstanz) - Presenting Author

Digital 'Cold Wars' in the U.S. Mid-Term Election
Mark Polyak (Ipsos Public Affairs) - Presenting Author

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Scaling the Civility Wall: Examining Social Media Discourse on Immigration During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Thomas Johnson (University of Texas at Austin) - Presenting Author
Heloisa Aruth Sturm (University of Texas at Austin)
Patricia Rossini (Information Studies, Syracuse University)

Analyzing Right-Wing Discourse on Twitter: A Case Study of the 2017 German Federal Election
Aubrey O'Neal (University of Texas at Austin) - Presenting Author

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16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.008

New Approaches to Augment Sampling Frames II: Leveraging Data Science Methods for Sample Frame Construction

Chair: David Dutwin (SSRS)

Using Big Data to Improve Sampling Efficiency
Final candidate for the monograph
Jamie Ridenhour (RTI International) - Presenting Author
Joseph McMichael (RTI International)
Karol Krotki (RTI International)
Howard Speizer (RTI International)

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Machine Made Sampling Designs: Applying Machine Learning Methods for Generating Stratified Sampling Designs
Trent Buskirk (Center for Survey Research, UMass Boston) - Presenting Author
Todd Bear (University of Pittsburgh)
Jeffrey Bareham (Marketing Systems Group)

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Machine Made Sampling Frames: Creating Sampling Frames of Windmills and Other Non-Traditional Sampling Units Using Machine Learning with Neural Networks
Adam Eck (Oberlin College) - Presenting Author
Trent Buskirk (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Kenneth Fletcher (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Peter Stefek (Oberlin College)
Han Shao (Oberlin College)
Ki Park (University of Northern Iowa)
Mary Losch (University of Northern Iowa)

The View From Above - Virtual Listing Using GIS
Michelle Amsbary (Westat)
Richard Dulaney (Westat) - Presenting Author

16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.010

Applying Machine Learning and Automation to Improve Imputation - Replicate II

Chair: Mansour Fahimi (GfK)

AI and Machine Learning Derived Efficiencies for Large Scale Survey Estimation Efforts
Final candidate for the monograph
Steven Cohen (RTI International) - Presenting Author
Jamie Shorey (RTI International)

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Sequential Imputation of Missing Data in High-Dimensional Data Sets
Micha Fischer (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author

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Approximate Nearest Neighbour Imputation
Maciej Beręsewicz (Poznań University of Economics and Business / Statistical Office in Poznań) - Presenting Author
Tomasz Hinc (Poznań University of Economics and Business / Statistical Office in Poznań)

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16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.012

Big Data = Big Applications: From Data Linkage to Education

Chair: Ralph Meijers (Statistics Netherlands)

5324 Euros Per Hour: Outlier or Football Player? Unsupervised Learning Methods for Anomaly Detection: Application to the Individual Declaration of Social Data
Julie Djiriguian (INSEE) - Presenting Author
Marie Cordier-Villoing (INSEE)
Thomas Deroyon (INSEE)

The Best of Two Worlds: Combining Longitudinal Health and Learning to Learn Surveys With National Registry Data
Henrik Dobewall (University of Tampere) - Presenting Author
Arja Rimpelä (University of Tampere)
Lasse Pere (University of Tampere)
Pirjo Lindfors (University of Tampere)
Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen (University of Tampere )

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Enriching Education Survey Data With Knowledge Graphs
In review process for the special issue
Jamie Shorey (RTI International) - Presenting Author
Helen Jang (RTI International)
Peter Baumgartner (RTI International)

16:00 - 17:30

Room: 40.063

Can We Mix It? Big Data Tools, Social Network Analysis, and Causal Inference

Chair: Thomas Emery (NIDI)

Learning on Survey Data to Qualify Big Data in a Web Environment
Lucie Duprat (Mediametrie) - Presenting Author
Claudio Barros (Mediametrie)
Aurélie Vanheuverzwyn (Mediametrie)

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Surveys and Big Data for Estimating Brand Lift
Tim Hesterberg (Google)
Kyra Singh (Google)
Ying Liu (Google) - Presenting Author
Lu Zhang (Google)
Rachel Fan (Google)
Mike Wurm (Google)

Finding Friends - A Network Approach to Geo-Locating Twitter Users
Niklas M. Loynes (NYU / University of Manchester) - Presenting Author
Jonathan Nagler (NYU)
Andreu Casas (NYU)
Nicole Baram (NYU)

Analyzing Big and Small Collections of Books With Network Coincidence Analysis
Modesto Escobar (Universidad de Salamanca)
Luis Martínez-Uribe (Universidad de Salamanca & Fundación Juan March) - Presenting Author
Carlos Prieto (Universidad de Salamanca)
David Barrios (Universidad de Salamanca)

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Climatic Visual Art for Farmers Insights
John Lunalo (Evidence Action, WorldQuant University) - Presenting Author
Elvis Karanja (Kenya Markets Trust)